The joy about this lovely college.
Finally, they have decided that there is actually a rule saying that we cannot play soccer in the basketball court. But seriously, I don't really care. After all, we have 3 freaking courts, which means that there will usually be 1 court free.
So, instead of ignoring the rules, some year 1s decided to voice up their concerns over this matter. They do have a point, why disallow a sport game? Besides, there isn't a real meaning behind this ruling. This is just like the 1250 ruling.
It simply does not make any sense! It's like asking why Chewbacca, a eight foot tall wookiee, is living in Endor. Why would a Wookiee -- an eight foot tall Wookiee -- want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! (So you must aquit!)
But of course, there are people who will die for the school, rescue the school chair in event of a fire, or something even more drastic. They, of course, will say that the 1250 rule makes perfect sense, and that a basketball court should be used to play basketball instead of soccer.
And the lame line of excuses goes on.
Seriously, can people actually think for themselves? Why must they agree with what the school says? I seriously don't know why they would love to stone in school for 40 minutes, a time which you could have reached home, showered, had lunch, and would have started working on your tutorials/DOTAing in the comfort of your own home, instead of doing your tutorials in either: a) a freezing cold library. or b) A hot space with lots of noise distractions.
And yet, there are people arguing how everyone should make full use of their time. Yeah, full use. How about this? LET US GO HOME, SO THAT WE CAN ACTUALLY MAKE "FULL USE" OF OUR TIME! >_>
This ruling is stupid, and should really go. But then again, the world is full of idiots. So, the ruling will stay until all hell freezes over, and someone decides to Nuke the moon or something.
But the main thing that irks me is the bunch of school right hand mans, boasting how they got a 1 for PW (BIG ****ing DEAL, in any case), and that they are in the council (Ok, that is really a BIG DEAL, since I know the pressure Reynolds' father piles on them. I've been there, and it sucks. I respect those councilors a lot). Seriously, think for yourself. This isn't the first time something like this popped up. It obviously shows that this rule is stupid, and needs to be changed. Why doesn't anyone question the reason behind this ruling, or something which could be done instead of "HAHA. YOURE SCREWED. NOTHING CAN BE DONE. SUICIDE IS YOUR ONLY OPTION! =D=D=D=D". The only excuse I've heard was "It's due to MoE regulations". Yeah, MOE stuff, but then why can students from TJC ignore this rule? Because they are special? I doubt so. And don't give me the "If you like them, join them crap", because if you do, you ARE retarded. Think instead, if someone can find a way through it, why not us? Is it because they are intellectually superior? I doubt it (or maybe it's because you are intellectually inferior...). They can do it, so can we!
So, either give me a GOOD reason, which does not include MOE, or the school being screwed if we are screwed (we are adults, for goodness sake....take us seriously for once, even if you are a student siding with the school), or get rid of the ruling. It's not only annoying, it's also absolutely time wasting, meaningless, and stupid.
Now, onto the Basketball rule.
When did the fact that a ball could hit our balls become a factor in whether soccer should be played in the basketball or not? >_>
I do agree that balls do fly upwards, but so does in basketball and volleyball. A better solution is to actually build a fence, instead of closing your eyes and getting rid of the problem, which still exists, no matter what you do. How about an actual street soccer court instead? No? Then I guess we have to make do with the basketball court.
In conclusion, complaining CONSTANTLY is bad, and so is complainging about STUPID THINGS (Air-con too cold/too hot...blah blah blah). Voicing out your opinions over certain intelligent subjects isn't stupid, and actually shows that you have a human mind (which is to constantly change things, for the ignorant). Yes, we can live with it, but why live with it when you have a chance of changing it?
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